Thursday, February 13, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

All students were given the chance to create their own heart. The heart making was simple-the students just had to decorate them any way they desired. What the hearts were used for is pictured below. After all of the hearts were made, I put the hearts in to four different larger hearts. The four hearts are now hanging at the entrance of our school building wishing everyone  a happy Valentine's Day!

Kindergarten Learns About Dry Brush Painting

Kindergarten have spent their last two art classes creating their dry brush snowmen. We first discussed what snow feels like, in order to begin a conversation on texture. We also read the book "Snowmen At Night", By Caralyn Buehner. While reading we used our "artists eyes" to really look at the colors on the snow at night. Finally we began painting and creating texture with our dry brush painting.

We are in the process of adding scarves, as well as pattern filled hats to our snowmen. My favorite part is the fact that our snowmen at night are also looking up at the sky-they want more snow!

Second Grade Keith Haring Finished Projects

I hope everyone has been staying safe in all of the snow we have been getting! Second grade did an awesome job finishing up their Keith Haring symbol projects (even with an on again off again schedule). I am so proud of them! This project took a lot of patience and a lot of careful line making. Second grade learned about symbols, using line to create movement, as well as seeing negative space in artwork.