Tuesday, March 25, 2014

First Grade Cardinals

As I have posted previously first graders have been learning about painting and Cardinals. Since my last post about the Cardinal projects first graders have completed their cardinal paintings and they look fantastic! We learned a lot about drawing complicated objects by breaking the objects down to simple shapes. We also learned a lot about why it is important to paint from the background, to the middle ground, then finally the foreground. Finally, I loved that my first graders started to spot cardinals outdoors and would come to school excited to tell me all about their cardinal spotting the next day!

Our cardinals were drawn in pencil first. We then traced our pencil lines with a black marker so we would not become confused by all of the lines while painting.

We made sure to first paint the background, then the middle ground (branches) and then the foreground (cardinal).


We enjoyed adding our final details considering we used our fingers to paint the eye. :)

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